“Amy did a wonderful job planning our trip out! Very easy to book the consultation call with flexible times. I loved the open ended questions she asked to really understand what we're looking for. The itinerary she provided was wonderful and it was spot on to what we discussed! From our conversation she even picked up on something I would love to do without me even discussing it!! The itinerary has so many different options of things to do and various price points for activities and hotels. She found some true gems in the country we're visiting and I honestly can't wait for this trip now!”


“It was way more than I expected! It was not only the hotel ideas, but lists of places to go to, insightful tips, and information. So awesome - Thank you!!”

— Carolyn

“Amy provided me with the perfect itinerary for my first trip out of the country. She listened to what I wanted and curated my experience flawlessly. Freaking five stars.”

— Kori

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